Sarawak Premier International Silat Championship
The competition rules and regulations are complied with accordance set by the International Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT) and the International Pencak Silat Competition Rules and Regulations version August 2022.
1. Registration & Weighing
1.1 The Registration, Technical Meeting & Balloting process will be held on 25th February 2023
1.2 There will be “NO” weighing in during the registration. However, all participants MUST have their medical check-up done prior/before leaving their own country and also MUST produce/present/show the original copy of the “Medical Certifificate” during the registration day.
All weight is carried out on the morning of competition before the start of the first match on that day, according to the daily schedule. (No weight tolerance).
1.3 For any injury treatment in the hospital, the injured athlete is given untill 1.00pm to weight in during the following day of the tournament.
1.4 The competition rules and regulations are complied with accordance set by the International Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT) and the International Pencak Silat Competition Rules and Regulations version August 2022.
1.5 When reporting for weigh-in, athletes must wear a standard Pencak Silat uniform without sash, groin guard or any other guards.
1.6 Athletes will be given a choice to strip down completely before proceeding with the weigh in. Towels will be provided to assist the athletes. Separate rooms to be provided to conduct weighing-in.
1.7 No tolerance will be given. Should the athlete decide to strip only after stepping on the weighing scale and realising they do not make weight, they will be disqualifified.
1.8 The “Accreditation Pass” has to be worn during the registration and weighing process.
2.Artistic Weapons
All weapon registration forms that will be sent later, must be fifilled and revert/ reply back to the Organizing Committee for the purpose of “Custom’s clearances” by the 2nd February 2023
Single (Tunggal) Category
2.1 Long knife (Golok or Parang) measuring about 30 – 40cm and its made of metal and blunt (No sharp corners).
2.2 Toya/Long Stick/Tembung made out of natural rattan with the length between 150 – 180cm long and with a diameter of 2.5 – 3.5cm. These weapons MUST be inspected by the competition committee before the starting of the competition.
Doubles (Ganda) Category
2.3 Besides the mentioned weapons of the same specififications as in the Single Category, competitors are allowed to use an additional (Optional) Nusantara weapon such as the “Keris”, “Pisau”, “Celurit” or a pair of “Trisula” as stated in the Pencak Silat Competition Rules & Regulations book. These weapons MUST also be inspected by the competition committee before the starting of the competition.
2.4 The Team Manager of the participating countries must submit the “Synopsis Form” for Doubles (Ganda) category before the starting of the competition.
Team (Regu) Category
2.5 Team (Regu) category is a category of Pencak Silat competition which it is performed by 3 (Three) athletes from the same team performing their skills (Repertoire) in a compulsory manner correctly, with accuracy, fifirmness, complete with the expressions, synchronization and compact with empty hands according to the rules and regulations applied for Regu category
Solo Creative
2.6 Duration of time allocated for each performance is from 1 (One) to 3 (Three) minutes.
2.7 All participants must be in their own respective style of attire and performance in accordance to their own stance/identity/Perguruan).
2.8 All competitors must begin their performance with empty handed (No weapons) followed by the usage of weaponry for the following sessions. There are no restrictions on the duration on time of these two sessions as long as it is completed within the allocated time of 3 (Three) minutes.
2.9 All competitors is STRICTLY PROHIBITED from using the steps (Jurus) of Tunggal and/or Regu.
2.10 Each competitors is allowed to use only 3 (Three) type of weapon listed in the Malay/Nusantara traditional weapons (Eg: “Keris”, “Pisau”, “Celurit”, “Trisula”, “Tombak”, “Kerambit”, “Sundang”, etc.) These choice of weapons must be inspected by the Organizing Committee before the competition starts.
2.11 The organizer will NOT BE PROVIDING any choice of weapons for this category.
2.12 The competitors will be judged by their criteria of Pencak Silat movements, the forms of the Pencak Silat and the discipline of the performances starting from the beginning till the ending of the performance.
The organizer will be using the “Digital Scoring” and “Video Playback System” throughout the Sarawak Premier International Silat Championship
The requisitions for the “Protest Form” must be made within 10 minutes after the offificial results of the competition has been announced; and the completed form must be returned within the next 20 minutes to the Competition Secretary including the “Protest fee” of USD300 in CASH. The protest fee will be refunded to the Team Manager if the protest appeal is accepted and approved by the Appeal Committee. However, should the protest appeal is unsuccessful, the protest fee will be forfeited.
5.Referees & Jury
5.1 The competitions will be conducted at all time by the certifified Referee & Jurors appointed by the PERSILAT. These individuals is qualifified with the International Certifification or individual country Referee Certifificate sanctioned by their respective Pencak Silat Federations.
5.2 The organizer/host, Rumpun Silat Sarawak, will be fully responsible for their accommodations, meals & transportations during the competition dates.
6.Medical & Insurance
6.1 A designated “Medical Team” will be on standby throughout the event.
6.2 If any participants required a further treatment in any hospital due to injury suffered during the competition, the organizer shall not be responsible for any of the cost incurred.
6.3 It is advised to acquire own/personal/team insurance coverage for this purpose.
6.4 Participants who requires a medical service must produce their own Identifification card/Passport/Accreditation pass to the medical offificials.
7.Protocol, Etiquette & Discipline
The protocol, etiquette & discipline for attire during Sarawak Premier International Silat Championship are as follows:
7.1 Opening Ceremony / Closing Ceremony
> Offificial team tracksuit or Standard Pencak Silat attire
7.2 Prize Presentation
> Offificial team tracksuit
7.3 During Competition
Match – Standard Pencak Silat attire
Artistic – According to Rules & Regulation of PERSILAT
7.4 The discipline during ceremonies & competition are as follows:
7.4.1 All participants must be on time and present in every ceremony & event according to the offificial schedule.
7.4.2 Participants must at all time, shows good personal appearance with a good attitude and the spirit of sportsmanship.
7.4.3 Participants should attend and adhere to any ceremony in an orderly manner and must not make any noise or disturbances which can disturb the solemnity of the ceremony.
7.4.4 A strict “Disciplinary action” will be taken towards any athletes who disobey or with a bad attitude.
7.4.5 No abuse and vulgarities language/words at all time.
7.4.6 No indecent hand gestures or signs at all time (Eg: Middle fifinger, etc.)
7.4.7 Strictly NO RACIAL or SEX discriminations.
8.Medals, Trophies & Belt
8.1 Match Category
1st Place – Gold Medal, Belt and Certifificate for 1 person in each category.
2nd Place – Silver Medal, Belt and Certifificate for 1 person in each category.
3rd Place – Bronze Medal, Belt and Certifificate for 2 person in each category.
8.2 Artistic Category
1st Place – Gold Medal, Belt and Certifificate for 1 person in each category.
2nd Place – Silver Medal, Belt and Certifificate for 1 person in each category.
3rd Place – Bronze Medal, Belt and Certifificate for 2 person in each category.
8.3 Trophies
There will be a total of 3 Championship Trophies to be won throughout the competition as per stated below. The trophies that will be won are based on the most “Gold medals” won and followed by “Silver & Bronze” medals, should there be a tie in the Gold medal or Silver Medal recipients. Only OPEN category medals will be counted for the Overall Champion.
a) Championship Belt : OVERALL CHAMPION and USD20,000 in cash
b) 1 Trophy : 1st Runner-up and USD3,000 in cash
c) 1 Trophy : 2nd Runner-up and USD 2,000 in cash
9.Drug Related Offences
It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to bring, carry, consume, hide or to distribute any kind of drugs or its equivalent substances in Malaysia at all time. Any participants caught or arrested by the Malaysia Royal Police Force (RMF) or any authorized body and, found guilty of violating the Malaysia law will be dealt accordingly with the Court of Laws in Malaysia. The committee will not be responsible for any of this unlawful acts enacted by the Government of Malaysia and its jurisdictions.
The Organizing Committee will be conducting a RANDOM doping check from time to time on ANY suspected winners in the fifinals of Artistic and Match categories carried out by the sanctioned Doping Agencies of Malaysia.